Culture eats strategy for breakfast

A little more than six months ago, I took a new role with a group that was described as in need of a “turn-around” and an “updated strategy and direction”.  I was urged to introduce a new mission/vision, strategic objectives, and revised key performance indicators.  Given my performance management background, this seemed like a reasonable approach.

However, after several conversations with key internal and external stakeholders and spot-checks a few levels deeper into my new management chain, I came to the conclusion that the organization didn’t need a new strategy to solve its performance problems.  While performance hadn’t been up to full potential, the issue didn’t seem to be with processes or structures or metrics.

My first few weeks on the job reinforced my initial assessment. Almost every important decision had to be made by me personally. At first I assumed this was because individual employees had little understanding of the company strategy. However, it quickly became apparent that cascading the strategy was unlikely to help because everyone was used to delegating up.  After a couple of years of being told what to do and being discouraged to think for themselves, my new group had a culture problem.

A 2005 Harvard Business Review study of more than 100 corporations and thousands of executive assessments showed that culture influences leadership style more than any other factor.  Regardless of job function, employees who work in the same organization are 30% more likely to exhibit similar leadership styles than people who do the same job but work in different companies. Even strong leaders are susceptible to learned helplessness.

Because most leaders view culture as something soft and intangible, it’s often overlooked when they take a new job. However, a January 2006 Wall Street Journal article concluded that the biggest roadblocks for new leaders include:

  1. Not understanding or caring about the current culture
  2. Assuming the current leadership culture can support the new direction/strategy
  3. Not articulating his/her aspirational culture for the team

In my experience a well-designed and well-implemented strategy cannot be effective unless people are motivated to support it. This idea is captured by the mantra “culture eats strategy for breakfast”, popularized during Mark Fields tenure at Ford Motor.  Clearly culture was my job one.

So rather than working on strategy or objectives or metrics, I concentrated on changing the culture. I immediately removed myself from some of the approval chains. I delegated critical and visible decisions to my direct reports and publically reinforced their decisions. I encouraged them to finalize some long-standing issues without vetting them with me beforehand. And perhaps most importantly, I shared all of this with my manager who went out of his way to reinforce the new style.

Of course, none of this was without some drawbacks. Not all of the decisions were consistent with my point of view. And I missed some chances to put my own imprint on the group.

But the benefits more than outweighed these downsides. Today, the difference is palatable. The team is energized, employees are more engaged, and performance is improving. What’s more, there’s a sense of teamwork that didn’t exist before.

Goals, initiatives, and metrics. I have a huge appetite for strategy management. But I shouldn’t forget that breakfast is the most important meal of the day – it all starts with culture.

22 Responses to Culture eats strategy for breakfast

  1. Oski says:

    amen, brother. amen!

  2. paulo says:

    great post. looking forward to seeing this philosophy go across the organization.

  3. Robert E says:

    Another good example of Responsibility vs Accountability.

    When someone is engaged and motivated they will take responsibility and move things forward, often beyond expectations.

    Accountability so often means having someone to blame. In cultures like that people want to live in the shadows and delegate up as much as possible.

    When people are given, and take, responsibility they don’t mind living in the sunshine, even if it means an occasional sunburn.

  4. […] colleague, Marc Strohlein, recently pointed out a post that shared interesting research about leadership behaviors and their impact on an […]

  5. Bruno Aziza says:

    Great post and very consistent with the research from my book, drive business performance.

    Culture eats strategy for lunch, breakfast and dinner.

    However, Culture is not a substitute for Strategy. Our observations has been that leading organizations have a sound strategy and a culture that re-inforces it.

    Great post!

    Bruno Aziza
    On twitter @brunoaziza

  6. Happy to know about your changing culture success story. I hope more and more organizations will take your experience as a model to follow.

    Great post!


  7. Jonathan says:

    Bruno (and others who sent me emails), I didn’t mean to imply that Culture was a substitute for Strategy. Indeed they serve different purposes. Instead I observe that sometimes we rush to change the Strategy without realizing that the Culture won’t support it. You gotta have both.

    Thanks for the nice words.

  8. […] Mission and vision, values and culture – I might also add strategy – all are critical to an organization’s success.  So be sure to have your orange for breakfast.  […]

  9. The current, the rhythm and the heart is culture!
    Very good viewpoint — plausible description.


  10. Giovanni says:

    There is the opposite problem: excessive delegation. I’m currently working for a company which takes “employee empowerment” to extremes. What I mean by that is that the top management often seems to be following the “management by absence” book. They delegate strategic decision to first- and second-level technicians who find themselves free to decide which technology will be used without caring for the long-term implications or if those decision will even fit the company strategy.

    And besides delegating strategic decisions they also don’t make their vision known to the whole company (if they ever had one). It’s all very Web 2.0 and “cool” company.

  11. […] also a slightly more macho version: ‘Culture eats strategy for breakfast, which is attributed to Ford or Peter […]

  12. You should write a business strategy book, Jonathan. Your personal stories, like this one, really drive home important management points.

  13. MIN says:

    can i use your image in my PPT??

  14. Patrick Takawira says:

    culture and strategy are compliments , they should always be in tandem.

  15. […] Culture eats strategy for breakfast. Management by walking around. […]

  16. […] Culture eats Strategy for Breakfast. Source: Manage by walking around […]

  17. […] After seeing the report, I reached out to SAP’s CMO, Jonathan Becher (@jbecher) who is leading the marketing transformation effort here at SAP.  Jonathan also speaks and writes quite a bit about the need for marketing transformation. Jonathan agreed with the main points of the report but added “the one thing that might be missing is Culture. You know I believe Culture eats strategy.” […]

  18. […] After seeing the report, I reached out to SAP’s CMO, Jonathan Becher (@jbecher) who is leading the marketing transformation effort here at SAP.  Jonathan also speaks and writes quite a bit about the need for marketing transformation. Jonathan agreed with the main points of the report but added “the one thing that might be missing is Culture. You know I believe Culture eats strategy.” […]

  19. […] After seeing the report, I reached out to SAP’s CMO, Jonathan Becher (@jbecher) who is leading the marketing transformation effort here at SAP.  Jonathan also speaks and writes quite a bit about the need for marketing transformation. Jonathan agreed with the main points of the report but added “the one thing that might be missing is Culture. You know I believe Culture eats strategy.” […]

  20. […] term. You may also subscribe to the school of management thinkers including Tom Peters that ‘culture eats strategy for breakfast‘, and Jim Collins who found that the most successful companies from his research – […]

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